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Pearls are a girl's best friend!

Hurray!! Pearls have come out of their shell this season. After undergoing a revamp, pearls are now a classic addition to every wardrobe as they symbolize sophistication and elegance. Traditionally pearls were only adorned by aristocracy. However, the scarcity of cultured pearls and Coco Chanel's groundbreaking endorsement of costume pearls led to an explosion in the popularity of synthetic pearls. Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn, two of Hollywood's most esteemed stars also contributed to this trend.  Today, costume pearls are strongly engrained in the DNA of the Chanel Brand. Lagerfield's catwalks continue to showcase pearls as a nod to it's founder. This autumn/winter pearls featured heavily in all the major fashion house collections. With that in mind, here are a...

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Welcome to Laveesha Blog

Hello Fashionistas, After much procrastination i've decided to bite the bullet and start a fashion blog. I know what you're probably thinking. I'm a little late joining the party but, hey better to arrive fashionably late! My name is Louise Breslin. I am a medical scientist and founder of Laveesha Jewellery.  I'm also a qualifed MUA. I love nothing better than getting up on stage to teach an audience of fellow makeup addicts at Laveesha Masterclasses. Never a quiet moment but, i wouldn't change it for the world! The concept for Laveesha arose following a trip to New York. I was in awe of the fashion i was witnessing on the streets of Manhattan. New York's sidewalks served as a...

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